Link to complete License Agreement
Any COOLCLIPS content provided at this site can only be used by you, subject to the restrictions below.
With Attribution Noncommercial License
You can copy, distribute, display, and create derivative works only for non-commercial purposes and must credit
The proper method for giving credit will depend on the medium and means you are using, and may be implemented in any reasonable manner.
For electronic projects, you agree to provide a link to the source page URL at
Noncommercial prohibits uses that are "primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or monetary compensation" regardless of the type of user or organization.
Without Attribution Noncommercial License
You can copy, distribute, display, and create derivative works only for non-commercial purposes.
Noncommercial prohibit uses that are "primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or monetary compensation" regardless of the type of user or organization.
Commercial License
You may use COOLCLIPS content in your commercial and/or personal projects.
Examples of projects: Web sites, presentations, newsletters, brochures, advertisements, announcements, labels, e-greetings, logos, Web templates, vinyl cutting, routing, engraving, school projects, screen printing. In addition, if reasonably possible, for example if the project is a book or e-book, you agree to include attribution credit as follows: Image(s) copyright
However, you may NOT
- distribute COOLCLIPS content, electronically or in hard copy, except as specifically authorized above.
- authorize any third party to use the COOLCLIPS content for any purpose, or resell, license or otherwise make the COOLCLIPS content available for use or distribution separately or detached from your business or webpage, except as specifically authorized above.
- share COOLCLIPS content across a network, on a CD, or in any other way;
- under any circumstances, use automated or programmatic means or methods to download COOLCLIPS content
- use COOLCLIPS content in any downloadable format intended for multiple='multiple' distribution including web site templates, software products, e-greetings, etc.
- under any circumstances, use COOLCLIPS content in connection with any pornographic, obscene, immoral, or illegal materials;
- use any of the COOLCLIPS content for any commercial purposes in excess of 10,000 printed copies or 10,000 electronic copies, without explicit written permission of COOLCLIPS.
- use COOLCLIPS content on or any print-on-demand type websites.
- use COOLCLIPS content to compete with us.
use COOLCLIPS content as a part of any trademark or service mark or use on any items where the image itself becomes the primary aspect of an item for resale (for instance, if an image is used on a coffee cup to sell that coffee cup, on a T-shirt to sell that T-shirt, etc.).
If you need to use images in ways not allowed please contact us to see if the specific images you need are available for special licensing.